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Disagreements Caused by Differences in Child Rearing

If you and your spouse have been married long enough to begin discussing children, you may have found that you do not agree with him or her on how to raise children. Perhaps you already have children but are realizing that the way you want to rear them differs significantly from your spouse. While many people are able to resolve these differences, some are not and reach the decision that they are incompatible. In fact, there are many ways in which spouses may disagree about raising a child, leading to a divorce.

Common Areas of Disagreement When It Comes to Child Rearing

Raising children is difficult, and it can be made even more difficult when you and your spouse are not on the same page about how to do it. Some of the most common ways that married couples disagree when it comes to raising a child include:

These and other areas of discord can make a marriage even more difficult for you and your spouse. Although often a difficult decision to make, divorce may be the answer when facing such irresolvable issues.

Contact a Divorce Attorney in San Jose

If you and your spouse cannot agree on how to raise your children, an attorney at the [firm-name], can help you explore your options for pursuing divorce. Call our San Jose office at [phone-number] to discuss your situation and how we can help.