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Increasing Child Support Payments

When you and your former partner first agreed to the terms of your child support agreement, it was likely representative of both of your financial circumstances at that time. However, as the San Jose child support attorneys at [firm-name] know, both your own financial circumstances and those of your former partner, are likely to have changed since the child support agreement was first signed. With that in mind, it may become necessary to increase your child support to better reflect your child’s needs, along with your current financial circumstances.

Reasons to Increase Child Support

While you may seek to increase the child support payments for any number of reasons, our San Jose legal team has found that many of our clients seek increase their child support for one or more of the following reasons:

• The income of the parent paying child support has increased
• There have been changes in the child custody agreement
• Your child’s needs have increased
• The cost of living has increased for your family

Our San Jose legal team understands how critical these funds can be to the well-being of your child; we will do everything we possibly can to help you secure an agreement that works for you and your family.

Consult with a San Jose Family Attorney about Increasing Child Support

To better reflect the present financial circumstances of your former partner, along with your own, it may become necessary to increase your child support payments. To discuss the needs of your family with one of our family attorneys, please call the [firm-name] at [phone-number] today.