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Enforcing Court Orders in a Divorce

Divorce settlements are strict agreements that outline the appropriation of the previously shared property of a couple. After the contracts are signed, a former spouse might choose not to adhere to the divorce agreement. A number of actions can be taken by a spouse that is ready to take legal action against a defiant ex-spouse, as the court offers specific legal remedies for the aftermath of divorces. A money judgment order may be issued to obtain unpaid funds such as child support. The court also has specific legal institutions that specialize in cases involving the interference of child custody agreements. If further action is needed, the recalcitrant spouse may be issued a citation for contempt of court.

Reasons for Enforcing Court Orders

A spouse may choose to refuse to obey court ordered actions for a number of reasons. Some of the most common forms of disobeying court orders after a divorce in San Jose include the following:

Some people choose to live with the consequences of the defiant spouse and suffer from the subsequent emotional and financial damages. However, it is often not financially possible to care for a child without child support payments, and not okay to have the right of seeing a child stripped away without due process of law.

Contact a San Jose Enforcement of Court Orders Attorneys

A divorce settlement is a legally binding contract that two people enter into in order to avoid further court appearances. If your divorced partner is not adhering to the legal agreements previously set forth in court, call the San Jose legal team of [firm-name] at [phone-number] to speak with an experienced family law attorney about your legal options.