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Decreasing Child Support

When you and your former partner first formed a child support agreement during the divorce, the arrangement was likely to have been highly representative of both your and your former spouse’s financial situations. However, as time passes and those financial circumstances change, many people find that they need to decrease their child support payments to continue to be able to reasonably manage their finances.

Reasons Our Clients Seek to Decrease Child Support Payments

Though there are any number of legitimate reasons one of our clients may seek to decrease their child support payments, our San Jose legal team have found the following circumstances to more commonly contribute to this type of modification:

Whatever the particulars of your case happen to be, our San Jose legal team will do everything they can to help you adjust your child support payments so that they will be more representative of your present circumstances.

Consult with a Child Support Attorney in San Jose

At the [firm-name], our San Jose child support attorneys are committed to helping our clients develop legal strategies that are intended to make their child support agreements more appropriate. To discuss the modifications to your child support payment that you would like to make with one of our family attorneys, please call our San Jose offices at [phone-number] today.