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When Alimony Payments Can Be Modified

Alimony, sometimes referred to as spousal support, are payments made to an ex-spouse when there is significant financial distance between divorce partners or a drastic lifestyle change occurred as a result of the divorce. While these payments will be determined in an initial alimony agreement, there are certain circumstances that can warrant changes being made to these agreements. At the [firm-name], our lawyers in San Jose know that understanding alimony can be difficult, especially when it comes to modifying initial agreements. Fortunately, by understanding some of the legalities behind alimony payments, both those receiving and those paying alimony can feel more secure in their situation.

Understanding Why Alimony Payments Can Be Modified

There are many reasons why alimony payments might change, some of which could include:

These situations could mean that a change in alimony payments is necessary. Payments might either decrease or increase depending on circumstances, making a major difference in both people’s lives.

Learn More about Modifying Alimony Payments from a San Jose Attorney

Protecting yourself and your financial interests when modifying alimony is critical, but many people in San Jose do not know where to start. Fortunately, the attorneys at the [firm-name], have experience helping clients work to get the alimony payments they need and can help you do the same. Contact our office today at [phone-number] to learn more about your options.