Serving Santa Clara County

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Sex Crime Charges in California

Facing sex crime charges in California can affect relationships with friends and family members, limit job prospects, and put restrictions on housing options. Legal assistance is paramount for those facing sex crime charges. An experienced criminal defense lawyer can be invaluable in helping those accused of sex crimes avoid expensive fines and lengthy jail time.

At [firm-name], our lawyers aggressively fight sex crime accusations in order to protect the legal rights and interests of those who have been charged. Our legal team of experienced attorneys works diligently to build cases that will allow for acquittal or minimize punishments. In the case of sex crimes charges, suspects may have been falsely accused. Our lawyers work to protect the innocence and reputations of their clients.

Types of Sex Crime Charges

There are several types of sex crime charges that may be levied against people, including:



If you are facing charges for any of these crimes, our lawyers can help you fight for your legal rights.

Consult a Sex Crimes Lawyer in San Jose

If you are facing sex crimes charges, you should contact a lawyer in order to ensure that your legal rights and interests are being protected. At [firm-name], our lawyers will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the representation you deserve and the most favorable outcome. Call [phone-number] to speak with a sex crimes lawyer in San Jose today.