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Modifying Child Support Payments: Why It May Be Necessary

In divorces involving children, one spouse is often court-ordered to pay child support to the other spouse. Typically, these payments are determined based on the two parents’ salaries and the custody agreement that is determined during the divorce. However, over time, the situation of one or both parents may change, necessitating a change to the child support agreement. Because child support agreements not only provide critical support for children, but also can have a significant impact on a person’s finances, our team at the [firm-name], believes that anyone in San Jose who is in need of more child support or trying to fight an increase in these payments should seek the help of an experienced attorney.

Common Reasons for Modifying Child Support Agreements

A person may need an increase or decrease in child support payments due to any number of reasons. However, some of the most common reasons changes to child support agreements are sought after and made include:

All of these circumstances can lead to a legal modification of a child support payment, affecting both ex-spouses and the child or children involved.

Talk about Modifying Child Support Agreements with a San Jose Lawyer

Making sure your legal rights and finances are protected is a top priority of our attorneys at the [firm-name]. We know how important child support payments can be in your life and financial standing, and will work to get you the modified agreement you are seeking. Call us today at [phone-number] to learn more about your legal options and how we can help.