Serving Santa Clara County

Please contact us to schedule a consultation. We offer appointments via phone, video, or in person.

Dealing with Contested Divorces

In a contested divorce, a judge must rule on issues such as the distribution of property or paternity disputes. Either one or both parties involved in the divorce can contest any number of issues, and the failure to conclude these disputes during the settlement proceedings will lead to the necessity of a judge to make decisions for the spouses. All divorces are complex and often difficult, but with the help of a San Jose attorney of the [firm-name], yours can be made much easier.

Taking Steps towards Completing Your Divorce

If you are facing a difficult divorce, there will be a number of steps involved that require legal know-how. These steps include the following:

Due to the intricate and complicated nature of many of these proceedings, it may be in your best interest to find a capable and determined lawyer who will fight for you.

Contact a San Jose Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is a big decision, and we understand how complex it can be. If you are considering divorce, contact the [firm-name] to start the conversation about your legal options by calling [phone-number] today.